Simple In-Memory Key-Value Store in Go with Concurrency Handling


Creating a key-value store in Go (Golang) can be a fun and educational project. Below is a simple implementation of an in-memory key-value store. This basic implementation includes functions to set, get, and delete key-value pairs. It uses a map as the underlying data structure and includes mutex synchronization to handle concurrent access.

package main

import (

// KVStore represents a key-value store.
type KVStore struct {
	store map[string]interface{}
	mu    sync.RWMutex

// NewKVStore creates a new KVStore.
func NewKVStore() *KVStore {
	return &KVStore{
		store: make(map[string]interface{}),

// Set adds a key-value pair to the store.
func (kv *KVStore) Set(key string, value interface{}) {
	defer[key] = value

// Get retrieves a value by key from the store.
func (kv *KVStore) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
	value, exists :=[key]
	return value, exists

// Delete removes a key-value pair from the store.
func (kv *KVStore) Delete(key string) {
	delete(, key)

func main() {
	// Create a new key-value store
	store := NewKVStore()

	// Set some key-value pairs
	store.Set("name", "Alice")
	store.Set("age", 30)

	// Retrieve a value
	if value, exists := store.Get("name"); exists {
		fmt.Println("Name:", value)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Name not found")

	// Delete a key-value pair

	// Try to retrieve the deleted key
	if value, exists := store.Get("name"); exists {
		fmt.Println("Name:", value)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Name not found")


  1. KVStore Structure: The KVStore struct contains the map which holds the key-value pairs and an sync.RWMutex to handle concurrent access.

  2. NewKVStore Function: This function initializes and returns a new KVStore.

  3. Set Method: Adds a key-value pair to the store. It locks the store to prevent concurrent write operations.

  4. Get Method: Retrieves the value associated with a given key. It uses a read lock to allow concurrent read access but prevent write access during the read operation.

  5. Delete Method: Removes a key-value pair from the store. It locks the store to prevent concurrent write operations.

  6. Main Function: Demonstrates how to use the key-value store by setting, getting, and deleting key-value pairs.

This example is simple and does not cover persistence, eviction, or other advanced features found in production-ready key-value stores.

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